Acties: Women for Peace against Nato
do 06 jul
Tijd en locatie
06 jul 2023, 19:00 – 09 jul 2023, 19:00
Brussel, Brussel, België
Over het evenement
NAVO bereidt zich voor op de top in Vilnius (Litouwen), op 11 en 12 juli 2023.
Internationale vredesbewegingen werken aan een alternatief gericht op vrede en ontwapening en verzetten zich tegen verdere militarisering. Het netwerk Global Women for Peace United against NATO organiseert bijeenkomsten in Brussel, de thuisbasis van de NAVO.
De kernboodschap staat in een Vrouwenverklaring voor Vrede: NEEN tegen de NAVO, NEEN tegen gemilitariseerde blokken, NEEN tegen de oorlog!
Voor een nieuwe veiligheidsarchitectuur in Europa en een multipolaire wereld gebaseerd op vrede, rechtvaardigheid en wereldwijde solidariteit.
Het Nieuwe Strategische NAVO concept staat haaks op de *‘Helsinki-geest’ die streeft naar vreedzame samenwerking tussen staten en dreiging met of gebruik van geweld afwijst. De volgende top van de NAVO vindt plaats in Vilnius, Litouwen, op 11 en 12 juli. Parallel lopen er acties in Brussel georganiseerd door een internationale groep vredesvrouwen: 6 tot 9 juli
'De Helsinki-geest verwijst naar de Helsinki-akkoorden die een historische overeenkomst vormen die in 1975 werd ondertekend door de Verenigde Staten, de Sovjet-Unie, Canada en elke Europese natie (behalve Albanië) om ontspanning te verbeteren tussen de Sovjet-Unie en het Westen.
Pianofabriek – Fortstraat 35 – Brussels
Meeting in the European Parliament with members of mostly the Left and Green group.
Handing over the common Statement with first signatories.
Speeches and discussion.
09.30 Welcome by WILPF US
09.40 – 12.45
Europe – NATO/US threats and consequences
Summary of Seminar/Webinar
Description: Europe, with 31 NATO member states (22 of them EU member states) is actively taking part in encircling Russia. US nuclear weapons are based across Europe. Large military exercises are polluting air and land. NATO use of DU-weapons in the 90's Balkans war have left a toxic legacy causing serious health problems among civilians and soldiers. Some NATO states are supplying these radioactive weapons for use by the Ukrainian army. Defence spending across Europe is increasing at an alarming rate.
Belgium: Emmelien Lievens – working in the Belgian peace organisation Vrede also part of the “No To Nato No to War” international network
Italy: Ada Donno - AWMR Italia - Association Women of the Mediterranean Region
Speakers :
09.40 – 09.50
World March of Women
Women’s NATO aspect
09.50 – 10.00
Silvia Schwarz - WILPF Germany
Move the Money from war to needs of people and planet
10.00 – 10.10
Cristina Roncieri - Observatory against militarization of school
Activities of the Italian Observatory against the militarization of schools (and the increased presence of military in teaching (a contribution to peace in Europe)
10.10 – 10.30
10.30 – 11.00
Short coffee break
11.00 – 11.10
Sophie Bolt - Vice-Chair, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Nuclear weapons in Europe
11.10 – 11.30
Marilina Veca - WILPF Italy
War crimes in time of peace – Depleted Uranium – the silent killer
Ria Verjauw - The International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons, ICBUW
The human and the environmental cost of Depleted Uranium weapons
11.30 – 11.40
Speaker to be confirmed
NATO as climate killer
11.40 – 11.50
Vera Zalka - Hungarian Social Forum (HSF)
NATO in Eastern Europe – consequences and threats
11.50 – 12.10
Ingeborg Breines - Former Chair of IPB and UNESCO Director
Ulla Klötzer - Women for Peace - Finland
NATO’s Northern expansion – consequences and threats
Discussion - 12.10 – 12.45
12.45 – 13.30 Lunch - preparatory meeting during lunch for the street event
13.30 - 15.30/16.00 CET – webinar/seminar – NATO in Global South (mainly Africa)
(14.00 Nairobi/Kenya time)
Coffee break - Street event preparations (20 min by metro to the Albertina Square)
17.30 CET
Street event - Albertina Square
Organised by Belgian organisations – Global Women for Peace United Against NATO taking part
Focus/Topic: Vilnius Summit wants to adopt the 2% as a minimum standard.This will be uses as an impetus to address the rising military budgets.
Action: Performance (sort of flashmob):
Large placard with statements illustrating the increase in budgets.
Women carry their own placards with request how their country/ EU/should use the military money instead
Women form a sentence/slogan (e.g. a letter on the back of their placard)
(flags of all countries taking part? – white dove?)
Recording: The event will be recorded and used for the International Peace Wave starting on Saturday July 8
SIDE EVENT - Public panel discussion
organized by No to war No to NATO & Belgian peace organizations
20.00 CET – Global NATO or Global Peace? – 120 min. (2hrs)
Key note speech: NATO a driving force of militarization
Alternatives for Militarisation
The dangers and burdens of military spending. Building a wide coalition for disarmament
How to counter the nuclear threat? Steps toward a nuclear weapon free world
Alternatives for a Cold War 2 in the Indo Pacific region
The need for a new conference on security and co-operation (Helsinki II) – towards another security architecture for Europe
The war in Ukraine: how to strengthen the role of the peace movement
Discussion with panel
Discussion with public
10.00 – 12.00/12.30 CET – webinar/seminar – NATO in the Asia Pacific
(18.00 Canberra/Australia)
13.30– 15.00/15.30 CET– webinar/seminar – NATO in Latin America
(09.00 Buenos Aires/Argentina, 06.00/Costa Rica)
Coffee break
16.00 – 17.30/18.00 CET – webinar/seminar - US/Canada
(10.00 Washington/US, 07.00/Los Angeles/US)
Stopping US and Canada's Participation in NATO's wars
Summary of Webinar
Description: The US and Canada are key members of the war organization NATO. Activists from the US and Canada will discuss their countries' history of involvement in NATO and in the wars in Europe and Afghanistan and call for the end of war-mongering NATO.
US: Ann Wright, Retired US Army Colonel and former US diplomat who resigned in 2003 in opposition to the US war on Iraq-- in Brussels
Canada: Alley McDonald, National Coordinator for Canadian Voice of Women for Peace - Virtual
Confirmed Speakers
Medea Benjamin: American political activist who was the co-founder of Code Pink
Joseph Gerson: Director of American Friends Service Committee's Peace and Economic Security Program in New England
Rebecca Irby: Founding Partner & Executive Director at PEAC Institute
Tamara Lorincz: PhD candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs at Wilfrid Laurier University. Member of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom / Canada Section
Shivangi Misra: Chairperson of International League of Peoples' Struggle, Canada and an international human rights lawyer based in Ottawa, Canada
10.00 – 13.00 CET
Global Women for Peace United Against NATO planning meeting for further common action, statements etc.