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8 mei Peace Bells in Leuven kleiner 30.j
Peace Bells in Leuven
Promotor for World Peace


19.00 – 19.30
- Peace songs at the carillon of Park Abbey Leuven
By carillonneur Luc Rombouts


19.30 – 19.40
- Walk to KWB Park room on the domain of the Abbey


19.40 – 19.50
- Welcome: On the crucial link between peace and development
By Prof. Stephan Parmentier, chairperson of the
Interfaculty Council for Development Cooperation,
KU Leuven

19.50 – 20.05
- Presentation on carillon history – world heritage and its link with World Peace and how it contributes to peace initiatives in Leuven and worldwide
By carillonneur Luc Rombouts


20.05 – 20.30
- Network of Mayors for Peace and how it can
influence local and global peace initiatives
By Pol d’Huyvetter, CAMPAD (Coordination
of African Mayors for Peace & Development,
the African chapter of Mayors for Peace)


20.30 – 21.15
- Panel on local and global peace
movements and initiatives
With Peace Women of Leuven
Katlijn Malfliet, Jeanne Devos
and Jessika Devlieghere


- Q&A

21.15 – 22.00
- Reception and informal talks











A co-production of

Park Abbey 7, 3001 Leuven


8th May 2019 – 19.00 - 22.00


For KU Leuven students and staffand peace activists


Free tickets available


8 mei Peace Bells in Leuven - Shout it O

Foto Andreas Dill

8 mei Peace Bells in Leuven - Shout it O
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